Upcoming Events

If you'd like to schedule an event with Terry Altman at your church, please email Harbor Life Ministries at terry@theharborlife.org


Putting Money In Its Place
Seminar by Terry Altman

There are over 2000 verses in the Bible relating to money, our attitudes toward it, and how we should handle it.  We will be discussing timeless Biblical wisdom concerning its use.
Your presenter is Terry Altman.  Terry has many years of Bible teaching as an ordained minister, pastor and Bible school director–but has also been a Certified Financial Planner(r) for thirty years. He worked with the CFP Board of Examiners and taught CFP candidates at Oakland University.  He is a past president of the Financial and Estate Planning Council of Metro Detroit and has spoken at national and regional conferences of the Financial Planning Association, the Society of Financial Service Professionals, the Million Dollar Round Table and other professional groups.  Terry is uniquely qualified to discuss both Biblical and practical elements of money and money management.
The Saturday sessions will be workshop style and include time for questions and answers as well as interactive tabletop discussions, allowing attendees to apply what they learn directly to their own unique financial situations.